
Happy Birthday Kobe!

Kobe recently turned TWO! The time flies...it feels like we JUST got Kobe yesterday!

Here in Chicago, we have a doggy treat truck that drives around the city and makes stops in different neighborhoods. She also makes custom doggy birthday cakes!

We decided to have a little birthday party for Kobe, but the weather turned out to be really crappy, so we just stayed in and celebrated with our little love bug.

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little pup ever!


Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Kobe had such a great Father's Day weekend!

My family and I went on a road trip to Iowa (from Chicago ~4 hours) to view an apartment for my younger brother who is currently studying at the University of Iowa.

Funny enough, we were able to bring Kobe inside with us to view the apartment, then again inside the leasing office where we played hide and seek and he rolled around a rug that had the Iowa Hawkeyes logo on it. We cannot wait to go back and help my little bro move in and maybe watch a football game and do some tailgating! Woo-hoo! Afterwards, we went and had dinner in an outdoor patio, got a little ice cream, and headed back to Chicago. But first, we stopped by the Mississippi River and took a couple picks of that, too! Such a FUN weekend!

Here's Kobe with both his dad and with his grandpa for Fathers Day & a couple other shots of Kobe enjoying the view on our way to and from the Univ of Iowa! :)

Happy Father's Day (go Spurs! Beat the Heat!)


Happy 2013!

Hi everyone!

Kobe & I have been offline for several months, not too much going on during the winter months here in Chicago, so I don't have a lot to blog about.

Nevertheless, I saw on the news that Chicago hit a record no-snow this winter (~1.5 inches).

Today was a high of 60! I couldn't believe how nice it was outside! Kobe and I went for a long walk, and played with some new pups @ the dog park.

I hope he doesn't get too used to it because tomorrow will be a high of about 25 :( How miserable!

How was everyone's holidays? What did you get your pets??

Kobe got a nice sweater, some chew toys & comfy bed. I think he really likes it!!!

Happy 2013! Look forward to following all of you guys again! :-)